Thursday, December 4, 2008
Simple questions, are they???
• Everyone of us have traveled in a bus…and most of us prefer to have a window seat…at least I do…!
So when at the window and the windows full open and air rushing inside and is continuously being bombarded on face….an amazing feeling leaves…. a simple question…all that air that is coming inside the bus from all the windows, from where does it move out??? It must be going out…from somewhere???…its not that its just coming in…right??? So from where exactly does all this air move out????
• Somewhere in those childhood days…used to cycle day-in and day-out…those early days of learning to ride a bi-cycle were full of fear of a fall and bruises on all possible places on the body…I even managed to land up in a gutter once (thankfully it was dry…!) So…what now I can ride bicycle quiet well…but am unable to answer a simple…real simple question…at least it looks simple…why does a bicycle or take just one Tyre of bicycle can balance itself well when in motion….but not in absence of motion??? One would realize that if you go on balancing forces(in order to justify the phenomenon) that are acting on the moving Tyre…same are applicable for a vertically placed motionless Tyre…but still it falls off…!
(Questions …discussed at Tuesday’s group discussion sessions!!!)
Zooming in: tube light zone!!!
A major question that always aroused…discussed with friends, but we all never got an answer to it!!!
Supposedly many people have tried answering it and the most convincing way out to these widely observed phenomenon is that…usually if you see the natural sources of light they are practically at infinity…e.g.-sun…so all the rays that are coming from the sun are parallel to each other. Now for tracking a linear path the simple logic is to make constant angle with the rays of light…! Now back on earth we have various other artificial sources of light tube lights, bulbs etc. and the rays that are coming out of such sources are given out in all directions and are basically not parallel to each other!!! Now for an insect in order to follow a linear path as it always does…it is constantly trying to maintain a constant angle with the rays…and since the rays are not parallel and radiating from a single point…the angle keeps on changing…due to which they follow a spiral path and finally land up at the source of light!!! The reason our tube lights are full of insects!!!
BUT, since generations of these insects end up at the source of light and seem to get nothing out of it…why don’t they learn to avoid such situations??? Another obvious question…and the reason for this behavior lies in the fact that…it’s a place for aggregation of so many insects…so it might be acting as mating grounds…wherein you can look out and choose for your mates and mate!!!(a very important part of life cycle)
BUT, as I mentioned in one of previous blogs about such areas being feeding grounds of lizards (strategic locations)…there is a risk involved in landing up in such areas from an insects point of view!!!
Again, usually if observed there is just a single lizard at such location …showing territorial dominance and thus benefiting the insects..owing to the fact that the probability of getting eaten by a lizard decreases tremendously when hundreds and thousands of your type are present…to be eaten up! Also..the fact that since there is a single lizard and it has a limited appetite…and the number of insects are always in large excess… such that a lizard is satisfied…much before not more then half of them are eaten up (may be? coz half to me seems a large extrapolation…but still in spite of it the insects seem to be benefited!!!)
Everyday phenomenon…simple observation…logical analysis…complex interactions!